Chapter 18 – Knowing and Walking in the Truth

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

The quest for truth is a journey each of you must undertake. You must come to know the truth, and walk in it. Knowing the truth begins with recognising that truth is not an abstract concept. Jesus Christ declared that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6). It is in Messiah that you will find the ultimate revelation of truth. To know the truth, then, is to know Jesus, to seek the Father in prayer through Christ, to find him in the scriptures, and in the traditions. It is a personal relationship – not an intellectual assent. It is a personal commitment to Christ and his teachings.
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Chapter 17 – A Warning to the Remnant

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

By December of 2024, an unprecedented number of nominal Christians will be cast away in judgment due to their lukewarm spirit and lack of desire for knowledge. They have only claimed Christ in name, but not in true service or wisdom. All those who have followed after their false gods and false prophets have been marked by the evil one. Children of Light, do not follow after their way, for it is a path to destruction and everlasting death.

All those who serve the darkness will pass into the darkness where only the presence of the evil one exists. Any light that is within such individuals will return to Almighty God, but whatever remains will be destroyed.
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Chapter 16 – The Christian Church

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

The so called Christian Church has been captured by the evil one and its armies. This has taken place over a period of time. The nominal house of Christians has become so lukewarm that they have been spewed out by our Lord as mentioned in the book of Revelation.* The majority of Christians have slept their way through their religion and philosophy. They speak about Christ, but they do not know Him personally, and thus He does not know them, as He warned in the Gospel, even referring to them as evil doers.1 The majority of Christianity have been deceived. They have fallen short of making Christ their King and Master. At this time, less than three percent of professed Christians are genuine followers of God’s Son. The remainder have been branded by their master the evil one. In the year 2024, the number of true disciples of Jesus will be less than the number in the past. Such ones are spiritually estranged from the Father in heaven.
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Chapter 15 – Global Anguish

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

You have been informed that a momentous life-changing event is on the horizon. This event will have both spiritual and physical dimensions. It will reshape many people’s perspectives on the future of humanity and their relationship with God. While many will be blessed, others will suffer, including some within the community of God on Earth. Blessings are often followed by times of difficulty because the evil one is filled with jealousy and hatred. The evil one desires nothing more than for the people of Almighty God to suffer.
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Chapter 14 – Purity and Holiness

In the Name of Almighty God, the Lord of heaven and King of all nations.

Children of Light,

In the midst of a world that is consumed by darkness, chaos and materialism, you stand as radiant light bearers, entrusted with the duty of remaining pure and untarnished by the evils that surround you. Your faith in Almighty God and your commitment to His promises are your guiding lights on the right path.

I encourage you to uphold the highest standards of purity and holiness. Be vigilant in guarding your hearts and minds against the corrupting influences of the evil one and the world it controls. As it is written in 2 Corinthians 7:1, you have the promises given to you, now cleanse yourselves from every defilement of the body and of the spirit. Perfect yourself in holiness and sanctification in the fear of God.
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